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Video Games Make The List…On 'Wasted' Taxpayer Money

by Jeff Cork on Aug 04, 2010 at 03:08 AM

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Arizona Senator John McCain and Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn have released their third report on stimulus funding, calling out 100 projects that they say squandered taxpayer dollars. In addition to items like number five’s “Abandoned Train Station Converted Into Museum” or 38’s “Reducing Menopausal Hot Flashes Through Yoga,” there’s an item about video games. We’ve finally made it!

As uncovered by Superannuation, “Research: Marketing Video Games to the Elderly” grabs the number 39 position on the list. If that title isn’t sexy enough to grab you, perhaps the following text will pique your interest:

“North Carolina State University and Georgia Institute of Technology research scientists received $770,856 and $427,824, respectively, in stimulus grants from the National Science Foundation for collaborative research into how video games, such as Nintendo Wii’s Boom Blox, can help improve mental health for the elderly. “Results will aid designers who currently have little knowledge of the interface and game-play needs of older players.” According to the overseers of the study, “One of our main goals is to produce guidelines for producing games for older adults.”

Video games for the elderly? Ridiculous!

You can check out the full report here, if you’re into that kind of thing.

Special note to commenters: Don’t be dumb.