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Ever Wonder How Achievements Work?

by Andrew Reiner on Jul 17, 2010 at 03:17 PM

The Xbox Engineering Blog, a place I often troll on Friday nights, has been updated with an interesting post on how achievements work. The article's writer Vince Curley does a nice job of describing Xbox 360's achievement system in a way that most people will be able to understand. He's also an expert in building up intrigue. "I remember my first meeting on the Xbox team," Curly says in the article. "A small group was gathered around a long table in a dimly lit conference room in a run-down office park."

You'll have to read the blog to hear how that story ends, but you won't find out anything more about the working conditions. He certainly made it sound like a horrible office. To read the blog, and see the very first achievement icon ever made (ZOMG), click the link below.


A big thanks goes out to Game Informer user HK-47 for the news tip.