
All JRPG fans out there are probably busy playing Dragon Quest IX right now, but make sure you take a break from the game long enough to swing by your local GameStop and download a free in-game map.

On July 31, GameStop is running a promotion where Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies owners will be able to bring their copy of the game and their Nintendo DS into participating stores in order to receive a Special Event Map. Just make sure you’ve unlocked Quester's Rest in Stornway ahead of time – for those who haven’t started the game, this doesn’t take long.

DQ fans who stick around the store will also be able to participate in assisted walkthroughs, guided multi-player modes, and connect with other Dragon Quest fans. Sounds like a party!

Check out GameStop to find the closest participating store near you.

GameStop is the parent company of Game Informer.