
Just last week, video game movie adaptation Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time hit theaters and received a less-than-stellar box office response. With so many more proposed adaptations in the works such as Mass Effect and Warcraft it's easy to forget projects that fell by the wayside such as the Metal Gear Solid film. In a recent interview with MTV Movies Blog, screenwriter and voice of Solid Snake David Hayter explains what happened to the project.

A script was submitted, and though Hayter isn't entirely sure why the project was dropped, he says part of it might have had to do with Konami politics.

"I don’t believe they were ever able to successfully close a deal between Mr. Kojima and Sony. This is all just stuff I’ve heard," Hayter said. "I did come up with a pitch for the movie which I thought was pretty cool and I would still love to do. But there are far larger issues in terms of who’s going to get the rights to do it and what sort of involvement Mr. Kojima is going to have. All that needs to be worked out before I would ever come up."

So what about the script? Because there's always the possibility of a Metal Gear Solid movie, Hayter won't divulge too many script details.

"I really want to spring some things on people," he said. "Having been intimately involved with ‘Metal Gear,’ I would like to give people a story that will grab the fans. The fans will know the context that we’re talking about once they see the trailers. They’ll say ‘Oh my god, they’re going there.’ But they won’t quite know how the story is going to unfold or what some of the big surprises are going to be. And that’s really the only way to keep a movie [adaptation] interesting."

Would you want to see a Metal Gear Solid movie? Or would you prefer the franchise stick to the video game space?