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Harmonix Wants Your Help In Steering Rock Band’s Ship

by Jeff Cork on May 17, 2010 at 04:24 AM

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Companies who ignore their customers do so at their own peril. When you’re in charge of a successful franchise like Rock Band, the easy thing to do would be to keep on doing what you’ve been doing. Fortunately for players, however, Harmonix is testing the waters to see what kinds of artists users would like to see in future iterations. The developer has created a poll on its community site asking how receptive players would be to seeing band-specific games based on a variety of well-known (and often requested) artists. The poll makes it abundantly clear that these names shouldn’t be taken as a suggestion that we’ll be playing our plastic instruments along with their music, though.

“In the interest of immediately addressing suspicion and heading rumors off before they start, this poll is not an indication, implication, hint, suggestion, guarantee or promise that Harmonix is going make games based on any or all of the bands listed in this poll,” says the posting. “We know how excited Rock Band super fans get about uncovering the next big thing, so we wanted to clear that up right from the start.”

“That being said, community feedback is and always has been absolutely invaluable to us in determining our focus within the world of Rock Band as we move forward. Whether we’re pouring over feature suggestions on the forums, chatting with folks at live events or crunching the numbers on hundreds of thousands of song requests, we want to make sure that the community always has a voice in the development process. Hence the survey!”

What are those bands? How about The eagles, Led zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Queen, and U2. Naw, we don’t want any of those guys. Try again, Harmonix.

Visit the game’s community site to rank your preferences and drop the names of artists you think should be incorporated into the game. It’s worth a shot anyway.