by Tim Turi on Apr 08, 2010 at 01:10 PM

I know I said earlier this week that I would purchase DeviantArt user bmansnuggle's awesome Mega Man hoodie in a heartbeat, but just take a look at his Proto Man duds. Call me fickle, but I'm having trouble deciding which one rocks my the geek cortex in my mind harder.

This fine piece of retro gaming garb features the red and gray color scheme of Mega Man's older bro. Of course, a hoodie modeled after Dr. Light creation #000 wouldn't be complete without a festive yellow scarf to pull the look together. Should this fine spring/autumn apparel become available to the public, the ensemble would not truly be complete without a huge pair of pitch black shades to complete that brooding, jealous older brother look.

Seriously, bmansnuggles, I don't know where you came from... but you've got to be after my pixelated heart with all this Mega Man gear. I'd say he was after my wallet too, if it weren't for the fact that these haven't been mass produced yet. Either way, Capcom-Unity has noticed both of the articles of clothing, and that's saying something. Cross your fingers.