by Meagan Marie on Apr 08, 2010 at 11:22 AM

Details pertaining to Gears of War 3 – the game expected to be announced on The Jimmy Fallon Show Monday – have leaked to Edge Online.

The report includes information about a new breed of Locust that have tentacle-like appendages used to work around player cover. Not willing to lose the advantage, the Delta team is rumored to be armed with explosives that travel underground to the same effect. Edge also mentions the inclusion of mobile mech suits that will give a offensive and defensive edge to Gears on the field.

The last few details pertain to environments, with Edge saying that the game will take place during the summer and will feature underwater locations. Considering that the final act of Gears of War 2 saw COG forces sinking the city of Jacinto in a final attempt to decimate the Locust Horde, submerged settings don’t seem too farfetched.

Karen Traviss' Gears novel Jacinto’s Remnant details life after the destruction of Jacinto and places the remaining population of Sera as refugees on an isolated and relatively untouched island. Here, Locust stragglers pose no threat, but aggressive Stranded keep Gears on edge. It will be interesting to see if Gears of War 3’s narrative follows this path.

We can’t substantiate any of the facts above as of this moment, but have contacted Microsoft and Epic for clarification.