
April Fool's? The website for Mikami's next project (currently titled "Mikami Shinji Project") now boasts a Flash game wherein you behead the legendary developer while he guts himself with a blade in the traditional style.

The Harakiri game appears to be some kind of recruiting tool, but all it really tells us is that Japan is freakin' weird, man. Chop off Mikami's head with MAX POWER and (spoiler alert!) his severed dome will land on and replace some other dude's head right before he kisses his girlfriend, for which Mikami rewards you with a creepy smile.

No, it doesn't make any more sense in context. Apparently Mikami is hiring, though, so if you're a game developer in Japan, hit him up! But not with a katana to the neck, because that's wrong.

[via andriasang]