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Weekend Warrior 03/26/10

by Annette Gonzalez on Mar 26, 2010 at 01:30 PM

Looks like most of us have cleaned up our backlogs, so now we're revisiting old favorites. Which ones? Read on to find out, then head over to the comments section to let us know what you're playing this weekend. 

Jeff C: I’m going to be spending my weekend finishing up God of War III before I move on to Just Cause 2. That is, that’s what I’m planning to do. Deadly Premonition has moved past the “this is kind of silly and quirky” point to being a genuinely good game, so I may end up binging on that one. The story is pretty twisted, and I’m even starting to enjoy the combat. It’s easily the best $20 I’ve spent so far this year. Final Fantasy XIII is beckoning, too, but that game feels a lot like homework. Maybe later.

Annette: I won't get much of a chance to play games this weekend since I have a group of friends visiting from Chicago. None of them are gamers so we'll see how much I'll get to play. Maybe I'll just shove a Pokéwalker in my purse when we hit the clubs and get some Watts out of it.

Joe: My backlog is pretty clear at the moment, so it's the perfect time to go back and revisit something I've been meaning to play again: Bayonetta. I started it up again this last week, and I've decided that I'm going to try to add it to my 1000 Club, so I'll be wicked-weaving and angel-slaying whenever I have the chance this weekend.

Dan: I'm continuing my nonstop assault on my gaming backlog this weekend. In the last couple of months, I've finished up most of the heavy hitters (Mass Effect 2, God of War III, Bioshock 2, Heavy Rain, Bad Company 2) so it's time to focus on a couple of sleeper hits. Metro 2033 and Just Cause 2 are in my sights this weekend, and I might mop up my final four achievements in the entirely mediocre Dante's Inferno. I've introduced my girlfriend to the still-amazing LittleBigPlanet recently, so we'll probably explore a bunch of new user-created levels. Debating whether or not I should check out Hot Tub Time Machine tomorrow. Doesn't look like a classic by any means, but hopefully there's at least a couple decent gags.

Sean: Grabbed a game I've always wanted to play from the Vault (Bully: Scholarship Edition). My closer is now in AAA, so I want to make it in MLB 10:The Show. Plus, Final Fantasy XIII if I can get to it. Lots of good times ahead this weekend, with a baseball game at Target Field (first ever) and likely taking the kids to the aquarium (and the oldest to see How to Train Your Dragon if he can handle a full day with his dad).

Phil: This is my first weekend home and not completely messed-up sick in quite a while, which means I should have plenty of time to devote to gaming. While I'm not busy finally getting my taxes wrapped up, I'll continue my journey through Final Fantasy XIII and cause chaos in Just Cause 2. I'll also spend some more time with an older treasure that I reconnected with this week: GripShift on XBLA. This bizarre mix of racing, puzzles, and platforming is awesome and totally deserves more love. Check it out on XBLA or PSN if you haven't already!

Tim: I hit the 25 hour mark in Final Fantasy XIII, and I promised myself when that happened I would take a brief intermission. What is that intermission, you ask? Why none other than God of War III. I sat down and plowed through half the game in one sitting. I literally didn't get up to grab a snack or visit the bathroom. I didn't realize this until I found a good stopping point and realized I needed to stretch and nearly killed myself doing so. Regardless, I'm really enjoying the game. Furthermore, I can't wait to really dig into Final Fantasy XIII now that the game is really hitting stride. Too bad it's already halfway-ish done. Also, I already want to replay 3D Dot Game Heroes after having reviewed it. Look for that in the next issue!

That's it for us. What are you playing this weekend?