blog herding

Every Thursday we highlight both editor and reader blogs worth your undivided attention. Now's the time to get blogging! Check out our picks this week and then get writing. Maybe your posts will appear in a future herd.

Pleasures Of War
"When I play first-person shooters, my emotional state fluctuates between wild jubilation and embarrassing child-like pouting. No matter how my soldier is faring on the battlefield, I find myself leaning on specific gameplay mechanics like stealthy knife stabs or full speed tank rundowns. The reasoning? I get a big kick out of annihilating foes in unintentionally comedic ways." From sticky grenades to chainsaw splattering, Reiner details his most satisfying war strategies.

Why Revealing The 3DS Was A Good Move
GIO community member, DarkLadySarai, presents common arguments against the 3DS and provides her own take as to why it may not be such a bad idea. What do you think?

GI At The Movies: Life 2.0
"I went into a screening of Life 2.0, a new documentary about the people who obsessively log in to the virtual world Second Life, expecting to laugh. These will be nerds, I reasoned, who are quantifiably nerdier than I am. Instead of laughter, I ended up sitting through the majority of the movie with a sort of quiet anxiety, a thoughtful nervousness at what was transpiring on screen mixed with a growing desire to get out of the theater as quickly as possible. I found the source of these emotions about halfway through the film when I realized..." What did Phil realize, you ask? Read his post to find out.

Read Now or Forever Hold Your Piece: A Well Needed Solution to Whine Blogging
"...stop posting whiney blogs. All that does is generate more anger, hatred and confusion. You should address the problem, if it is a problem, but don't be biased or seem one-sided. Post the issue as is, and try to ask for or propose a solution. If you're posting the problem because you experienced it without openly accepting opinions and answers, then you yourself are part of the problem." Do you agree with GIO community member, TheDarkestReign? Head over to the comments section of his post and put in your two cents.

CosBlog #24: SigmaRue As Selphie Tilmitt

This week CosBlog features one of Meagan's favorite Final Fantasy girls, Selphie Tilmitt, from Final Fantasy VIII. Check out her post for costume details and photos. For even more CosBlog, check out the official hub.

Exclusive Interview: Indie Developer Jason Wishnov of “Sequence”, An Upcoming Rhythm Roleplaying Game
GIO community member, Shawn Gordon, chats with indie dev Jason Whisnov on his upcoming game, Sequence. Check out the post for more details on this interesting indie title that is tentatively set for release this summer.

Things I Want: Entry #6
Meagan wants a lot of really cool stuff. If you like cool stuff, too, you should check out this blog. [It made me want cool stuff and now I'm out 20 bucks. -Ed.]

Spring Cleaning: Get Off My Desk, Loser Toys!
"Over the years, I've accumulated a sizable collection of awesome (in my opinion) figures to adorn my desk. The problem? A desk stops serving its primary function when various toys take up all the room. This month, I was faced with some tough decisions in order to free up space – what gets to stay on my desk, and what becomes a casualty?" Which toys made the cut? Check out Joe's blog to find out.

Have you produced a blog post on that you think should be considered for upcoming installments of Blog Herding? Read a fellow community member's blog and think everyone should give it a read? Send over an e-mail with a link to I also accept bribes.