
So far BioWare has kept its promise about Mass Effect DLC. The game’s barely been out two months and we’ve already received nearly as much downloadable content for the sequel as we did for the first Mass Effect. Prep the Normandy for launch, because BioWare will be releasing its next downloadable mission on April 6th.

The DLC is entitled Kasumi's Stolen Memory, and it features a human thief by the name of Kasumi. This coldly confident female has stolen priceless artifacts across the galaxy and has been mentioned in various news reports on the Citadel and Illium. Players will not only get to meet her on April 6th, but they will also be able to have her join their party. Kasumi’s mission seems to involve a clever disguise and playing a con game on a corrupt art collector.

Also included in the DLC pack are a new Locust SMG and a flash-bang grenade loyalty power. BioWare hasn’t announced a price for this package yet, but we’ll keep you posted as more info becomes available.