
The strange worlds of Suda 51 may be coming to your nearest downloadable platform. Game developer and Grasshopper Manufacture CEO Goichi Suda, better known to audiences as Suda51, has declared an interest in exploring both Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network as venues for one or more upcoming games, according to a post at Develop. The article states that Suda has expressed the desire to work on both downloadable add-ons to games and standalone downloadable titles.

Either platform could be a strong option for the eclectic developer. Titles like Killer7 and No More Heroes have at times struggled to find an audience with their unusual gameplay and experimental story components. Short-form downloadable games have the potential to introduce Suda's unique brand of game design to a broad spectrum of gamers, without the commitment of buying into a full-fledged retail title.

Would you be open to a downloadable game from the folks at Grasshopper?