
If you're still on the fence about whether or not you want to give Darksiders a go, now's your chance to give it a solid test run.THQ and Vigil Games have announced an upcoming 90-minute demo of the game for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

“We are really pumped to be bringing a playable demo for Darksiders to Xbox 360 and PlayStation3," said David Adams, general manager at Vigil. "We really wanted to give gamers a true idea of the variety of gameplay that the game offers and so rather than just making a standard 20-minute demo version of the first few levels, we decided to give away this massive level and reveal the true essence of the game.”

Darksiders' huge demo contains the first dungeon, Twilight Cathedral, in full form complete with puzzles and boss battles. Interested? The demo will be available for download on Xbox Live and PlayStation Network on February 25.

What do think? Should more demos be this long? Or would you rather play in bite-sized chunks to save precious memory space?