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More Free-ish DLC Blasting Over To Mass Effect 2

by Jeff Cork on Feb 04, 2010 at 02:55 AM

Are you not impressed with the vastness of space? Do you find yourself aimlessly scanning planets with nothing better to do? Have you already explored every single corner of every colony, outpost and star base? BioWare has some news that might help relieve your puzzling bout of space ennui. According to a message posted on the company’s official Twitter feed, there’s more stuff coming your way.

“Free in-game content in a couple weeks for those who have activated Cerberus Network! Stay tuned for more details,” said the message, followed by a link to the service’s site.  The Cerberus Network is Mass Effect 2’s so-called DLC pipeline, which will offer members a variety of free DLC. So far it’s been used to introduce a new character, Zaeed, into the game. Membership is free, with a caveat. New copies of the game come with a card, upon which is printed a redemption code. After registering on Mass Effect 2’s site, content will be available in the game’s menu. Players who have bought the game used will have to download the Cerberus Network separately—for $15—to access its associated DLC.

We’ve already added a member to our party through DLC and investigated the Normandy crash site. Any guesses on what’s coming next? The safe money is on new equipment, but that seems a bit boring. Here’s hoping we’ll get a nice, big planet to explore. As long as we don’t ever have to drive the Mako ever again, that sounds wonderful.

Thanks to Joel Figueroa for the news tip!