
Over the past week game companies have joined the effort to provide financial assistance for Haiti Relief operations. This past weekend, Sony Online Entertainment called upon the gamer community to help raise $25,000 for the American Red Cross.

SOE donated $10 for every Haiti relief item purchased in EverQuest I & II and Free Realms. Items such as the Haiti Relief Plush Bear were available for in-game purchase from January 15 through 18, and sold for 500 Station Cash.

“In just three days we were able to reach our goal of $25,000 and it’s all because of the generosity of our players,” said John Smedley, president of Sony Online Entertainment. “They really stepped up for a good cause and we’re proud to lend support to the estimated three million Haitians affected by the recent earthquakes.”

What do you think about the charitable efforts of game companies?