impulse weekly

It's Monday, and that means it's time for your 7-day downloadable game forecast.

It's hard to know exactly where to start with Muscle March, the new WiiWare game from Namco Bandai. So let's be as clear as possible. Muscle March is a game about over-pumped bodybuilders chasing down thieves that have stolen the newest and best protein powder in town. To catch them, these musclebound lifters (and a polar bear) will frantically run through stages, striking poses as they march to fit through tiny wall holes. Oh, and it can be played with up to four players in turn-based multiplayer modes. 500 Wii Points ($5) will have you marching to the beat of this decidedly different drummer.

Xbox Live Arcade has two new products arriving on Wednesday. Vandal Hearts: Flames of Judgment should set old school strategy players' hearts aflutter, as it's the prequel to the original classic game. This new downloadable title stars young orphan Tobias Martin and an ever-growing cast of friends as they defend their homeland from attack. 1200 Microsoft points ($15) will net you 8-10 hours of strategy/RPG action.

Death by Cube is the newest downloadable title from Square Enix, and it's also arriving on XBLA this week for 800 points ($10). The multi-directional shooter stars a robot named Leo as he blows up enemy robots filled with bright red oil. That's right - oil, not blood. Huh. Anyway, the game includes multiple playable characters, and several eight player competitive team modes. There's also a cool twist on the normal gameplay mechanic, as players are able to absorb incoming bullets and unleash them back on enemies to attack.

Quite the variety this week. Think you'll be trying any of these?