
Last week former EA executive, Mitch Lasky, unleashed a slew of criticisms toward his former employer, referring to its move into the digital space and its handling of EA Games division as a “bankrupt strategy.” If you missed it, read the full story here.

Today EA swung back with its own response to Lasky’s statements:

“Mitch needs to try de-caf,” says Jeff Brown, head of corporate communications for EA. “It’s never easy being turned down for a job, but most people don’t spend three years obsessing about it. Since Mitch left EA, Apple invented the iPhone, Facebook evolved to include a gaming platform and EAMobile became the world leader.”

Turned down for what job? Perhaps that of CEO, which John Riccitiello was hired for three years ago.

Even though EA reported it will miss its December quarter revenue targets for the second year running, Brown says EA has a clear strategy, is doing well with managing costs and moving toward online gameplay and game distribution on various platforms.

Lasky on the other hand says the company will have a rough transition to the digital gaming market, will continue to put out well-marketed games that underperform financially, and will continue to suffer financially.

Who’s right here?

[Via VentureBeat]