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Zelda’s Challenging Dress Catalyst For Spirit Tracks’ Core Gameplay

by Tim Turi on Dec 16, 2009 at 09:16 AM

You may have heard a while back that Princess Peach didn’t make the cut for New Super Mario Bros. because her dress was difficult for Nintendo to animate. Perhaps you thought that Zelda’s more straight-forward attire would be an easier task for professional programmers than Peach’s tacky, pink ensemble. You thought wrong.

In a recent interview, producer of Spirit Tracks, Eiji Aonuma shared details about the hardships endured to incorporate Princess Zelda into the actual gameplay.

"People on the staff have wanted to have Zelda in the game for ages, but if we did that, then her skirt becomes an issue," Aonuma explained. "Having girls in dresses in an action game is kind of hard to deal with. That's how we got the idea of having her body stolen and her soul going inside Phantom Guardians."

If Peach and Zelda’s dresses are too hard to animate, somebody better tell the creators of Super Smash Bros., because they’ve done both perfectly. Just chew on that a moment. The reason that Zelda turns into a ghost and possess enemies in Spirit Tracks is because it was too tough to give her a dress.

Thank god Samus has her Chozo Power Suit.