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Weekend Warrior 12/11/09

by Annette Gonzalez on Dec 11, 2009 at 01:02 PM

The end of the week is here! It's been unbelievably cold here in the Midwest so most of us will probably stay indoors and keep warm with some of our favorite games. Read on to find out what we're playing this weekend, then head on over to the comments section and let us know what's on your play list.

Reiner: If all goes as planned I'll hit prestige in Modern Warfare 2, and should come close to finishing Dragon Age: Origins. If I accomplish both of these tasks, I'll roll right into Saboteur, the last game I have to play this holiday season. There's a good chance Nick will be joining me for the Modern Warfare 2 festivities, and I wouldn't be surprised if we can twist Dan's arm to join our party (although he does suck at the game...and games in general). Any food ideas for this game-a-thon?

Meagan: It's not even funny how many games I need to plow through in order to tidily wrap up 2009. Currently Dragon Age is highest on my list, with The Saboteur following close behind. It may not be a game of the year nomination, but I've been excited to jump into a stylized Paris for some time now. After that, it's Assassin's Creed II. What are my chances of getting through these gems before the new year? Probably next to none.

Jeff Akervik: Now that I've finally finished Borderlands it's time to play some more Borderlands. The Island of Dr. Ned to be more specific. Can't wait. I think I'll also try my hand at Assassin's Creed 2 and (taking a queue from my pile of shame) a little Half-Life 2 via The Orange Box I picked up last week.
Good times. May the Vikings enact some revenge on the Bengals this weekend...

Annette: I'll be playing a game that I can’t talk about. And God of War Collection. The end.

Sean: This weekend is all about the Dexter season finale for me, everything else is just stuff. Definitely have plans to do Christmas shopping and maybe some fun in the snow with the kids since this is the most snow any of us have seen. Almost done with God of War II, I'm sure the final few levels of that game will not disappoint.  I really want to re-visit some unfinished business in Fallout 3, Demon's Souls and Dragon Age as well, but Kratos conquers all. 

That's it for us. What are you up to this weekend?