
In the upcoming Game Informer issue 201, we talk with Platinum Games' Hideki Kamiya, whose action spectacular Bayonetta will be released early next year. Though we focused a lot on that flashy new Sega-published title, we also took some time to ask Kamiya about his past work with Capcom and discovered which francises he wishes he could return to and which he's left behind.

"I don't have the rights to any of the IPs that I've made," Kamiya explained. "They belong to the companies that publish them, and they're a business so they have a right to exploit those IPs as they want.... However, to be completely honest, I'd love to do them myself."

Asked which IPs in particular Kamiya would like to revisit, he clarified:

"Up until very recently I really felt someday I wanted to make a sequel to Okami, and there were others who wanted me to as well. But then the other day I heard the announcement that someone else would be making a sequel and now I'm just not interested in it anymore. Once someone else touches a world that you yourself created it stops being yours. There is no point in making a sequel when the world doesn't belong to you. Viewtiful Joe is probably all I've got left. That story is incomplete so I'd like to finish it someday. But that would probably be the most difficult one to do [laughs]."

The Okami sequel Kamiya is referring to would be Okamiden, the upcoming DS continuation of the cartoon dog adventure. As exciting as that game looks, it's hard not to be disappointed that Kamiya no longer wants to touch the franchise.

You can check out the full interview with Hideki Kamiya in issue 201 of Game Informer, which will arrive to subscribers and be available on newsstands soon.