
UPDATE: Logitech has told Joystiq that the rumors regarding an UMD add-on for the PSP GO are untrue. "This is not something that our company is working on," states the company.

ORIGINAL STORY: One of the biggest complaints about the PSP Go is that it costs the same as the original PSP, but lacks the ability to play Sony’s library of UMDs. A rumor is pointing to Logitech as the dubious savior stepping up to address the physical media problem. Allegedly, an add-on is being developed by the company that will allow the digital-only PSP Go to once again reunite the tiny, shielded disks.

CVG reports that their source was unable to provide a price or release date. They were, however, able to share that the hardware will “plug into” the PSP Go. "The only problem is that it'll make the PSP a little bulky," said the source. If you’ve seen our hands-on with the Go, you know how little real estate the puny portable has to offer a UMD-expansion.

When contacted, Logitech’s UK office was only able point CVG in another direction. "We're not aware of it, so it may be something the US office is working on," stated the supposed manufacturer.

More on this confusing, reject of a peripheral as it develops.