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Bioware Talks Co-op For Future Dragon Age and Mass Effect Games

by Tim Turi on Nov 16, 2009 at 04:45 AM

Did this weekend’s morsel about possible co-op in God of War III get you thinking about other games that might benefit from some coordinated action? Were Dragon Age or Mass Effect some of those games? Well, BioWare co-founder and CEO Ray Muzyka is definitely considering it.

Muzyka tells Video Gamer that the company believes co-op "could make a great gameplay experience."

"Sure, we would consider it. We haven't announced anything on that front yet, but those are interesting ideas. They could make a great gameplay experience. Whether we'll do them or not remains to be decided," says Muzyka.

Taking into account that the bulk of BioWare’s RPGs are tailor-made for engrossing single-player experiences, Muzyka suggested that multiple players could detract from the experience. "It might depend on how you do it... It's hard to weave a great single-player storyline into a multiplayer experience,” he says. “It's not impossible. We've done it, and we're doing it again now in Star Wars: The Old Republic. But it is challenging."

From what I’ve seen of The Old Republic’s dual-dialogue trees with multiple party members, this definitely seems like a possibility. Anybody dreaming about having a biotic-inclined buddy throw an enemy in the air for you to gun down in co-op Mass Effect? I know I am.