by Jeff Cork on Nov 04, 2009 at 06:06 AM

As good as the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess was, it was hard to shake the feeling that the Wii functionality was, well, tacked on. Players eager to live out their swashbuckling fantasies through the Gamecube port found their enthusiastic slashing was exactly as effective as making slight (and less taxing) gestures. It looks like that’s going to change with the next console installment of the Zelda franchise.

“In this (installment of the series), we’re using MotionPlus to make you feel much more like you’re actually fighting while holding a sword in your hand,” said Nintendo’s Shigeru Miyamoto at a Q&A discussion in Tokyo. In addition to improving sword accuracy, it looks as though the inclusion of MotionPlus will enhance elements such as targeting.

That’s certainly great news for those of us who wanted a bit more from Twilight Princess’ swordplay, but it also raises a few questions. Will the action be this accurate for every encounter, from humble battles with Octoroks up to and including the inevitable boss showdown with Ganon? Or, will common enemies still be eliminated with well-timed flicks, saving more intricate sword battles for boss encounters? It will be interesting to see how Nintendo balances making sword combat rewarding and deep without forcing players to ice their arms between fights.