
Xbox Live Arcade might just get a new meaning. A consumer survey sent by a tipster suggests Microsoft may be working on a virtual arcade for players’ Avatars, Joystiq reports.

Some of the potential names listed in the survey include the following:

Game Room
Game Preserve
Game Gallery
Tower of ROM
Tower of Game(s)
Classics LIVE

In addition to the names (some of them are pretty bad), photos from the report offer a few hints on arcade features. There are Avatars playing on Atari-branded arcade machines. There are also banners in the background including one for Shark! Shark! suggesting possible input from Intellivision.

The survey also asks: “Which of the following names would most compel you to purchase the product?” Since Microsoft is already selling items to customize Avatars, is a virtual arcade the next step in Xbox microtransactions?

We reached out to Microsoft for comment on the rumor. The reply: “We don’t comment on rumors and speculation.”