by Joe Juba on Oct 08, 2009 at 11:58 AM

If celebrity parenting books are to be believed, motherhood is an experience full of joy and quirky anecdotes. Broodmotherhood, on the other hand? Considerably more messed up.

The Broodmother is the latest boss introduced in BioWare's (seemingly unending) trickle of Dragon Age video reveals. The Broodmother – a tentacled, multi-teated abomination – is just one of the bosses gamers will face while exploring the caves deep below the surface of Ferelden.  She looks like a formidable foe all by herself, but it should come as no surprise that she will have some assistance from her legion of Darkspawn thralls.

You can see more of the Broodmother (and other foes) when Dragon Age: Origins releases on November 3rd. If you want to whet your appetite, check out our review of the PC version here.
