by Joe Juba on Oct 06, 2009 at 12:00 PM

I was out of town over the weekend (and Monday), and when I checked out the site again today, I noticed my fellow editors had made several cool blog posts over the last few days. Since these don't appear in the main feed on the homepage, I thought I'd direct your attention to my favorites in case you missed them.

Hey Jude?
If you bought The Beatles: Rock Band and want to know what's going on with full album downloads, give this a read. When Kato talks about The Beatles, I listen.

Bad Photos Of My Office
In his many years as editor-in-chief, Andy has amassed an impressive collection of video game baubles. Many of these are strewn around his office, and he gives you the photo tour here.

A Casual Chat With Stargate: Universe Actor David Blue
Reiner accuses the actor of looking through the Stargate magazine for the sole purpose of finding pictures of himself. Reiner, of course, never does this with GI.

Final Fantasy XII Doesn't Get The Respect It Deserves
Adam comes to the defense of the most recent numbered entry in the Final Fantasy series, which released three years ago this month. Remember when we got a new Final Fantasy every year?

Tokyo Photo Blog
Meagan took some sweet pictures of Japan when she was there for the Tokyo Game Show last month. You can also check out Meagan's cosplay stuff...if you're in to that kind of thing.

Mail Bag: Getting Into Gaming Journalism
Okay, I didn't just notice this one...I wrote it myself. But, if you're one of the thousands of readers who wonder how to get a job in video game journalism, you'll probably find this informative.

UPDATE: Community Blogs
GI user Matt Brooker has an excellent blog round-up that extends beyond the staff and directs you toward what members of the community have on their minds. Thanks, Matt!

A quick reminder: Don't forget to click on the "blogs" tab when you visit the front page to see what the staff and community are saying!