
Those who started playing World of Warcraft five years ago when it first came out probably remember their first slow march to 60 and discovering what awaited them at the level cap: an epic encounter against Onyxia, the giant brood mother of the Black Dragonflight. This truly terrifying battle originally required raid groups of 40 players equipped with the best gear possible and a tightly-rehearsed strategy in order to be successful, but now that two expansions have come and gone and the level cap has risen to 80, Onyxia can be taken down by groups of three or less.

Or she could until today. Blizzard has just released patch 3.2.2, a small update to the game, which comes with the single major addition of a totally revamped Onyxia fight. To celebrate their upcoming fifth anniversary, Blizzard has buffed the dragon up to level 80 and updated her loot table so current players will have some exciting but familiar-looking drops to look forward to. Those powerful and brave enough to take her on and succeed will also have a small chance at winning Brood of Onyxia, a very rare new flying mount modeled after the boss.

Thankfully, not everything about Onyxia will be as difficult as it once was. As with all current World of Warcraft raids, Onyxia will not require 40 people to best but will instead be available for 10-man and 25-man raids.

The patch features a number of other smaller changes. Most notably, the “armor penetration” stat has been reduced in power, with each new point in the stat adding 12% less armor penetration than it did previously. This is a major change to melee-focused damage-dealers, who will likely a see an overall drop in their average damage.

For a full list of changes, including class-specific tweaks, check out the full patch notes on the official World of Warcraft site. Anyone else up for some dragon hunting tonight?