
Most of us are counting down the days until Avengers: Infinity War opens in theaters. Most of us, but maybe not James Cameron, the director and writer of Avatar, Aliens, and many more great films. Cameron is apparently hoping Thanos wins and wipes out the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe. While promoting his new documentary show, AMC Visionaries: James Cameron's Story of Science Fiction, Cameron said he hopes "we'll start getting 'Avenger' fatigue here pretty soon." He says this even as someone who appreciates the monstrous story Marvel has built. "Not that I don’t love the movies," he qualified. "It’s just, come on guys, there are other stories to tell besides hypogonadal males without families doing death-defying things for two hours and wrecking cities in the process. It’s like, 'Oy!'”

This comment obviously isn't sitting well with comic book fans, but Marvel Studios' head Kevin Feige was quick to brush it off. Talking to Vulture, Feige was informed of Cameron's remarks, which promoted a swift comment of "hypogonadal" followed by a moment to process the comment. Vulture's Kyle Buchanan followed it up by saying Cameron enjoys the movies, and Feige latched onto it, clearly not wanting to address Cameron's comment fully. "He loves the movies," Feige boasted. "That's awesome! Wow, James Cameron loves our movies! That's exciting!" Cameron is currently working on four Avatar sequels. You can take a look at Cameron's Story of Science Fiction trailer, which features a number of well-respected film creators, below:

Speaking of Avengers: Infinity War, you may want to put your social-media blinders on until you see it. The press attended various screenings last night (most writers are showering praise upon it), and the public will get a first look at it starting Thursday. Those jerks out there who like ruining things or just want some attention are revealing the big moments and twists from the film. My advice: Play God of War. If you already did that, play it again, or build something cool out of Nintendo's cardboard experiment, Labo.

In a red-carpet interview with Variety during last night's Avengers: Infinity War premiere, actor Chris Hemsworth, who plays Thor, talked a little about joining another long-running, science-fiction film universe. He's joining fellow Thor Ragnarok actress Tessa Thompson in a new Men in Black film, and credited Thor's filming for them working together again so quickly. "She's incredible," he said. "[She has] a great sense of humor, great heart, a lot of fun. We just had the best time on Thor. Having the opportunity to work together again was a no-brainer.

Hemsworth also said this Men in Black will shake things up a bit. "We're developing the script now. We're basically trying to put all of the humor into it, like the previous ones. These are big, big shoes to fill. We're working our butts off right now to make something pretty epic, and fun. They're trying to change up the locations to make it feel unique and different to the last ones. I think you may see some different countries possibly. Different cities than you've seen before in the previous Men in Black movies.

If for whatever reason you didn't get around to seeing Ready Player One yet, you can check out the film's awesome race online right now, courtesy of Warner Bros. Seriously, this race, as over-the-top as it is, is awesome, and should give you a good idea of what to expect from Ready Player One in terms of pop-culture references and the fun they deliver.

If you have a Vive VR headset and want to get a taste of what it's like to live in Ready Player One's OASIS, definitely check out Rise of the Gunters, an arcade-style shooter that pits your Gunter against an army of IOI Sixers. Rise of the Gunters is developed by Drifter Entertainment and is a part of the free OASIS beta that offers a variety of Ready Player One-inspired avenues of play. Rise of the Gunters' controls take some getting used to, as the bombardment of incoming fire from all vectors makes it a little difficult to get your bearings, but the effort is worth it as the game delivers a nice rhythm of chaining together kills to create a multiplier that gifts you more coins (the currency from the film).

Many of us are holding our breath for Solo: A Star Wars Story, the riskiest of the Star Wars films thus far. A young Han Solo doesn't sit right with many people (me included), but Disney and Lucasfilm are clearly banking on it working. Alden Ehrenreich signed on for three Solo prequel movies, which he let slip in an interview with Esquire. Before you say "I have a bad feeling about this," actors sometimes sign on for more movies than are ever intended. If Solo is a gargantuan success, then maybe, just maybe we'll get another one, and a third chapter after that. Odds are it will just be the one film, but Disney has Ehrenreich on contract just in case they decide to pull that sequel trigger.

I've had similar reservations for the game Detroit: Become Human. I couldn't get through Beyond: Two Souls, yet loved Heavy Rain. David Cage and his studio Quantic Dream make fascinating games that apparently hit hard or are complete misses for me. My first taste of Detroit painted it as a miss. I didn't like the setup and worried about the choices that were offered in the first E3 appearance. Game Informer's Kim Wallace recently played two hours of the game, and made it sound like Quantic Dream is heading in the right direction. You can read her entire write up right here.

That's it for this week, folks. I'll be back in another seven days with yet another Science-Fiction Weekly.