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Question Of The Month: What Do You Want From Destiny 2?

by Jeff Marchiafava on Dec 02, 2016 at 05:47 AM

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In issue 283, we asked readers what the number-one thing they want to see in Destiny 2 is. Now it's your turn to weigh in. 

Dedicated servers were the most popular request among magazine readers, a response that didn't raise many eyebrows with the office's big Destiny fans (because the game really needs them!). Better vehicles (dogfights in space, anyone?) and boatloads more content were also popular requests.

Now it's your turn. What's the number-one thing you want to see in Destiny 2? Share your wish list in the comments below!

Not done sounding off? Weigh in on our previous Question of the Month: What Game Is Your Go-To Timewaster?