question of the month

In the latest issue of Game Informer, some readers shared the nerdiest video game conversation they've ever had. Now it's your turn to get in on the self-deprecating revelry.

As gamers, we've all had heated debates about video games that would leave most non-gamers shaking their heads. And that's okay – sharing (and sometimes arguing over) our enthusiasm for characters, stories, and gameplay mechanics is part of what makes video games so great.

Thankfully, our readers didn't disappoint. Those who responded regaled us with tales of fighting over hero match-ups (Samus would totally beat Masterchief in a fight, by the way), the inconsistencies of the official Zelda timeline, and the classic PC vs. console debate.

Now it's your turn – share the nerdiest video game conversation you've ever had in the comments below. You don't need to justify the conversation to anyone (we're all nerds here too), but if you feel like reasserting your side of the argument to your fellow readers, consider the comments section your soapbox. 

Not done sounding off? Check out our previous Question of the Month: What would make the Nintendo NX a must-buy console?