
No Man's Sky dominated blogs this week, but there was plenty more that caught the eye outside of the slightly disappointing (to some) space exploration game.

Community Blogs For August 11 – August 17:   

Nintendo, Pokemon, and the Price of Nostalgia
Nostalgia can be both good and bad, and Haley Shipley knows that she's looked at things through rose-tinted glasses before. It's an interesting read about what we love and sometimes letting it go to enjoy it a bit more.     

Do Gamers Know Their Cover Art?
Name that Pokemon! Okay, so that's not what's going on here, but can you name the cover art that Brendon Curzio presents? He's only showing pieces of the entire art, so you'll have to be on top of your game. I got it on the very first image. How? I love that series more than I ever should, and have gazed at every piece of media connected to it.  

Admiring Games Stories
When GerardoExber places Fragile Dreams as the enticing image of his blog, I'm going to read it. It's a game with a good story, as are the other games in this blog. Good stories, for me, really make the difference in a game.    

Top 5 Midseason Summer 2016 Anime
We're taking a sidestep from gaming to talk anime, and Refle has all the shows to watch right now in his blog. Okay, he may be missing the subtitled Dragon Ball Super episodes that come out each week (they are fantastic), but we'll let it slide.   

No Man's Sky: My Thoughts and Treating it as a Photography Game
Airbornebovine is not mincing words: This game is not what it was supposed to be. And by that, the blogger means it didn't meet the ridiculous hype that media and fans unfairly push onto unreleased games. But that discovery...and our bloggers shots of the worlds explored...now that's inspiring.  

Community Reviews:  

The Technomancer – Spiders Studio's Attempt at a Space RPG 
This studio had me at the imperfect Faery Legends of Avalon, but captured Miss Chanandler Bong at Technomancer. Not in a good way, but in a meandering, kind of Okay way. It's just a case of too little too late, I suppose.  

Writing Challenge Responses:  

Community Writing Challenge: My Last Week of Summer  
Senior year of college sure is something, and getting there is pretty cool – but that means Haley is on the last stretch of summer gaming. It is a bittersweet feeling, having spent much of it with her sibling (heck, summers off from college made me closer with mine), so hopefully she gets enough gaming in before it is back to school.  

Community Writing Challenge: Enjoying My Gaming Summer 
When GerardoExber takes summer class, it does not mean he stops gaming, it just means he plans a little harder. It's all about maximizing time to finish that backlog.  

Community Writing Challenge:  

We are going to take a break this week so writers can refresh! 

Community Playdate:   

None this week, but stay tuned!

I hope you enjoy the blogs! Please contact me via my Game Informer page or on Twitter at @LouisGarcia12 with any blog news or playdate suggestions.