test chamber

Far Cry Primal comes out next week, letting players get a heightened sense of what life may have been like for our ancestors. Far Cry veterans have been scratching their heads about the game, since it's a pretty weird concept. How does Far Cry work when it's set in 10,000 B.C.? We've written about it, but today we're going to show you in an all-new episode of Test Chamber. Kyle Hilliard roams around the world of Oros, checks out a variety of the game's friendly menagerie, and sets a few fires by accident.

I completed the game for review – which is going live early next week – so we don't clear out any outposts. Instead, Kyle does what most of us do when we play the series: He heads in a direction and sees what kind of trouble he can get into. That includes spotting a flaming bear, getting his clock cleaned by a rampaging mammoth, and taking a sabertooth tiger for a ride. 

Far Cry Primal hits the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on February 23.