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Come Join The GI Game Club

by Matt Miller on Jan 21, 2016 at 12:05 PM

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Sometimes we all want to delve deeper and discuss together what makes a game truly memorable. Why is it fun? In what ways did a particular game innovate when it first released? How did the design dovetail with the storytelling? We’re asking you to join us as we take a closer look at games through the GI Game Club. We're beginning with Final Fantasy VII.

With each game, we’ll be announcing our selection a few weeks before our initial discussion, so that you have a chance to dig in and explore what it has to offer. If you tackled the game a long time ago, you should have time for a replay. We’ll post initial discussion topics and questions for you to consider and talk about with your friends. In the weeks that follow, we’ll have a dedicated podcast segment in which we’ll discuss the game in detail. When possible, we may even have special guests on to join in the discussion. Equally important, we’ll ask for your thoughts and questions via email, and use those to help inform our podcast discussion.

In the days following the podcast, we’ll extend the conversation to all of you, with a dedicated live chat on the Game Informer website, moderated and facilitated by one or more of our editors. If you’re really excited about discussing the game, you can even write a dedicated blog entry and send it our way, and we’ll try to include your essay or opinion in our discussion.

Game Club doesn’t need to live exclusively here on the Game Informer website. We invite you to extend the conversation to your own local Game Club groups, and let us know what you and your friends talked about. What were the best parts of the game? On what did you disagree? How was the game different, depending on whether you were replaying it, or playing it for the very first time?

To get started, we’ll be tackling the role-playing classic, Final Fantasy VII. Square’s fondly remembered game is a lengthy one, so we’ll be breaking the discussion down into separate conversations throughout the coming weeks. You can read an introduction to Final Fantasy VII, and explore our initial discussion topics by clicking right here

To send us questions, comments, blog links, or other ideas related to the GI Game Club, drop an email to We hope you join the discussion!