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blog herding

Blog Herding – The Best Blogs Of The Community (December 24, 2015)

by Game Informer Editorial on Dec 24, 2015 at 05:00 AM

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This week's edition is a bit shorter with the holidays coming up, but that doesn't mean the quality of blogs has tapered off. Plus, having less blogs to read means you guys and gals get more time to play games!

Community Blogs For December 17 – December 23:

My Top Ten Games of 2015: #3
Eric Watson continues down the list of his favorite games of the year, this time ranking Xenoblade Chronicles X at number three. I haven't played it, but its predecessor was pretty darn good. I'm digging the list, but it's reminding me of a sad fact: I don't think I played 10 games released this year.

The Star Wars Games I Missed Out On
With all the Star Wars craze going on right now (go see the new movie if you haven't), it's not surprising to see Craigaleg's list. There are some solid games on here that he, and everyone else even remotely into Star Wars, should give a shot.

Gaming While On Holiday
Rebekah Lang is using the trip home for the holidays to play some handheld games. She's bringing a lot of 3DS games, so she may not make it through all of them. Last year I brought my PS3 home and played through all of the Uncharted games for the first time. This year I won't have a week off of work, so I will most likely bring the PS4 and never take it out of my shoulder bag. But maybe my mother will make me dig out Kirby's she can destroy me.

Character Portrait: The Power of the Underestimated
Adam H takes time to take us through what makes a compelling video game character. One of his favorites is Link, but he also likes female characters as well. What about you? Which video game characters tickle your fancy?  

Writing Challenge Responses:

Community Writing Challenge Special! Being Shocked. A Look Back At Those Moments Which Stays Forever.
Blogger GerardoExber has hit a milestone: 20 writing challenge responses! Congratulations, fellow writer, and a big thank you for sticking with us so long. This momentous blog goes through the moments that made our blogger feel a twinge of surprise, if not just a wee bit of shock. We even get a "Shock Level" for each scene. Do you agree with these selections? Snake Eater is definitely one I'm on board with.

Community Writing Challenge:

Let's keep this short and sweet: What is your game of the year? I enjoyed Rocket League, because soccer. With cars. Car soccer. Need I say more? Super Mario Maker was also a favorite of mine, but the game that easily took the title of Game of the Year for me is Monster Hunter 4. I've been playing the series since the first game came out during my college days, and have been hunting online with the same friends ever since.

Community Playdate:

I'm currently rethinking how to best get the community gaming together, so expect this feature to come back soon in 2016 (holiday weekends travelling to Wisconsin also make this a bit tough to pull off).

I hope you enjoy the blogs! Please contact me via my Game Informer page or on Twitter at @LouisGarcia12 with any blog news or playdate suggestions.