blog herding

Who'd have thought Mad Max would be so well received? Between blogs and comments on those blogs, a lot of you are enjoying  it. Aside from Mad Max, we also have some fun features on video game backstabbers, and characters who would look killer with a beard.

Community Blogs For September 10 – September 16:

Better with a Beard: 5 Video Game Characters Who Would Benefit from Facial Hair
Shut the Internet down; tstitan just won this week's blogging trophy of awesomeness. In his goofy, handsome feature, we get to see which characters would look superb sporting a beard. He was inspired to write the feature after seeing Street Fighter's Ryu sporting a beard – and I can see why: dude looks badass.

My Five Favorite Video Game Backstabbers
Parker Lemke writes about which video game characters pull a Judas on players – and it's a walk down unsettling memory lane. Some of these characters provided some mind-blowing twists, so it's easy to see why Parker has included them.

Improving Mad Max: Taking Cues From Other WB Games
Uesugi-dono is enjoying the world of Mad Max in video game form, getting fully and irrefutably sucked into it. That's not to say it can't be improved. With that in mind, Uesugi gives his thoughts on how to improve the game in a sequel, if we're so lucky to see one.

Managing My Backlog, The Analytic Way
ZTribal has a backlog. Many of us do. This past summer, ZTribal attempted to at least play every game in a backlog that could never be outright finished, giving each game an hour. He's reporting his findings from the summer in a bid to find a method to the madness of it all...before getting swamped by this year's holiday releases. I have so many games that I sometimes buy the same ones twice when they are super cheap, so I could use this kind of organizational methodology.

RIP Dinklebot
Rebekah Lang turns into a bard for a moment, singing the praise of Destiny's Dinklebot. She doesn't much care for Nolan North's take on the character, and I totally agree. She says it nicely: "He sounds like a C-3PO one-off. Except less British."

52/52 Week 37– A Pikmin 4 Wishlist
TheDarkestLink is excited for Pikmin 4 (as am I). While not many details are known about the fourth iteration of the series, he has some ideas on what should be included, but also what could be updated or improved upon. All great ideas for a fantastic series.

Community Reviews:

Review: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Blogger GreenePanda21 missed fellow blogger MightyMagikarp's month of Ace Attorney, making up for it with this throwback review of the trilogy collection for the 3DS. He says, "Everything about the story is done well," when writing about the very first game in the series. If you haven't played any Ace Attorney games, I highly recommend them.

Until Dawn Review
Until Dawn seemed to come and go thanks to Metal Gear Solid's newest release hitting store shelves, but boxcar182 is still playing it. The final verdict is a 9 out of 10, with boxcar declaring that the game "does a remarkable job at delivering the tone, atmosphere, and characters of a classic teen slasher horror." Just be ready for death. Lots and lots of death.

Mad Fun
Uesugi-dono wrote two Mad Max pieces this week. He loves the game that much. While it's no Metal Gear Solid V, the game has plenty of action – especially exciting if you love cars –and is just a good brawler in an interesting world.  

Community Writing Challenge:

We didn't receive any responses to last week's writing challenge (or they came in late and will make it in next week's edition), so we're giving you one more week to write us a creative, fun blog about your life as a video game. Now that you've thought about the horror, awesomeness, or oddness of it all, what would that game look like? This is meant to be a fun challenge with you, dear writers, blogging about what kind of game your life would be.

Community Playdate:

No playdate this weekend. Catch up on Mad Max and MGS!

I hope you enjoy the blogs! Please contact me via my Game Informer page or on Twitter at @LouisGarcia12 with any blog news or playdate suggestions.