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pax 2015

Seen At PAX 2015 – Here Are All The Crazy Antics You Missed

by Ben Reeves on Sep 01, 2015 at 10:56 AM

PAX Prime 2015 is officially over. Those who went got to share a lot of stories, games, and smells. But if you missed the show this year, fear not. We strolled through the Washington State Convention Center with cameras in tow and captured some of the crazy antics that happened throughout the weekend.

It's funny, because this is how we feel when playing the Souls games. Seriously, we start to bleed from the nose; it might be a medical problem.

This man wanted to interview Raiden about the Dark Souls statue. Raiden said, "It's funny, because this is how I feel when I try to understand Metal Gear's story."

Some people like to bring their own controllers to shows, but this kid insisted on playing Star Fox from his custom-built chair. Come on, kid! No one wants to wait in line while you drag that out of here!

This scene greeted showgoers who wandered over to the Magic: The Gathering annex. Young children who walked too close to the tentacles said they could hear them whispering.

This is a real-life model of Doom 4's BFG. In case you don't know, BFG stands for Ben Franklin's Ghost. In the Doom lore, the BFG is actually powered by the spirit of one of our founding fathers.

You guys like Fallout, right? Here's a picture of some Fallout crap. Don't say we never do anything for you.

Spider-Man got hustled during the Magic tournament.

Come on, princess! Those shoes don't go with that outfit!

If you get hurt at PAX this is the only place you can go. One guy needed an emergency kidney transplant and a fashion designer had to operate on him. 

Animals aren't allowed in the building, but four dogs tried to use this costume to sneak into PAX.

Every 30 minutes, Pikachu would sneeze and recharge everyone's phone. At one point, he restarted a dying man's heart. When the man came to, he said, "I've seen the face of God." Then he walked over to the Street Fighter booth.

Apparently, this guy is a legend in Orkney.

After this, one of the Ice Climbers slipped on a patch of ice. It was hilarious!

Most people call him Bullet Bill, but he actually prefers William.

Snake was actually pretty easy to find because he kept Instagramming selfies.

Orcs Must Die, and here's the creature who can pull that off.

Here's a look at Seattle's local improv dance group in action.

Nothing is more refreshing than a cup of Yoda Frap.

You might think this is a terrible photo, but they were actually cosplaying as blurry dragon slayers

One of these Inklings accidentally touched some drying paint, was sucked into the wall, and is now trapped inside the walls of the Washington State Convention Center.

Destiny sucks, so no one wants to read this caption.

I took a few minutes during the show to pose with a minigun in front of the Battleborn booth.

Hope you enjoyed the show. If you didn't make it out this year, be sure to read up on our coverage of some of the best indie games at this year's show, or read our preview of Double Fine's new game, Headlander.