blog herding

This week's blogs cover quite the mix of video game topics, from witnesses in Ace Attorney, to the best places to be safe and chill in a video game. These are your weekly blogs. Please enjoy them. After that, come play Rocket League with us.

Community Blogs For July 30 – August 5:

Dragon Quest XI, NX, And The Future Of Wii U
Dragon Quest sells systems in Japan, so the fact that it's coming out on Nintendo's 3DS and NX platform is huge, according to Justin Mikos. While everyone isn't sure what the NX is, this can only be a good start for the platform/console/live Pokémon/Infinity Gem.

The Top Ten Witnesses of Ace Attorney
MightyMagikarp is on a quest to write a lot of blogs about the Ace Attorney series. This particular article focuses on the wacky witnesses featured in the series. I mean... a parrot? "Hello! Hello!" I...don't even know. Objection! Does that work here?

My Five Favorite Safe Zones in Games
Parker Lemke chose a unique topic to write about this week: safe zones. It's a pretty interesting list, but I would have to put Left 4 Dead's safe rooms in there. Nothing beats finally shutting a door and being able to take a breath of relief after being chased by a zombie horde. Or in my case, being dragged away by a disgusting tongue, like, every two minutes.

Guess That Game (August 2015)...
Firedude3663 is back with Guess That Game. I guessed this week's challenge in just four clues, but I'll admit I pulled the answer out of thin air. Can you do better?

Game Informer Summer Game Challenge Progress Report
The DarkestLink, Prince of Smash, gives a thorough update of the ongoing summer game challenge he is hosting. I'm not doing so well; I've only been playing games I can't beat as of late: Rocket League and Don't Starve Together. I have beaten Steamworld Dig recently, so there's one game down.

Support Our Friends. Respect Female Gamers.
Adam H says you should treat people with respect. After witnessing some vile comments directed towards female gamers recently, he felt like he should remind us all to be mature, upstanding people. It should be a no-brainer at this point (and we all make mistakes in life involving different things), but do your best to be a better person. There's no need for sexism or hate in gaming – or any walk of life.

Community Reviews:

HyperDimension Neptunia U: Action Unleashed Review: A Different Kind of Console War
Enuo reviews a game with a super long name. It's a game featuring anime aesthetics, specifically anime girls, who are fighting in a "symbolic console war." I'm...not really sure about this one, but Enuo says it's pretty good.

MouseCraft Review: Go Get That Cheese
Lovemeorshootme says MouseCraft is simple: Get your mice to cheese without dying. For him, it's a simple puzzle game. That, however, doesn't mean it's not worth playing for a couple of hours. I mean, those mice do need to eat, you know? I wonder if mice like gouda. Gouda is the best.

Shovel Knight Review: Strike the Earth!
Gamemaniac3434 wrote a review on the popular Shovel Knight. He played it on Vita, finding it to be superior to the PC version in terms of controls and visuals. He's glad to have backed the Kickstarter campaign for the game, highly recommending it to those who haven't played it. Shovel on, Gamemaniac.

Writing Challenge Responses:

Community Writing Challenge: Summer Gaming Vacation
Sam_Lincoln takes gaming vacations during the summer. Or at least tries to. It's no Hawaii, but he can visit the shores of Panau whenever he wants – and it doesn't cost nearly as much as a plane ticket. Gaming in the summer brings some guilt, and work at home trumps it every time, but Sam plays what he can.

Community Writing Challenge:

What's one game you've played that came out in 2015 that you think everyone else should give a shot? Write us a list of games, or write about a single game. Heck, you can even just tell us one thing we have to experience from a game from this year (maybe we should just look at the pretty graphics). My vote is for Rocket League.

Community Playdate:

Rocket League is just too hot right now. So with that said, we're going to play again this Sunday at 7:00 p.m. CST. Make sure to add me, Louiskensei, to your PS4 friend list and let me know if you're playing in the comments! We typically don't use mics, but I do plug mine in if you'd like to scold me for my wild plays. Go big or go home, right?

I hope you enjoy the blogs! Please contact me via my Game Informer page or on Twitter at @LouisGarcia12 with any blog news or playdate suggestions.