blog herding

A lot has happened in the gaming world this week thanks to E3 – but that hasn't slowed down anyone from blogging. This week you get to read a bunch about E3 reactions, amiibo, and about dystopian worlds. 

Community Blogs For June 11 – June 17:

Splatoon – The "Freshest" Nintendo Game in Years
MightyMagikarp takes time off from splashing around and waiting for his evolution to talk about Nintendo's Splatoon. He has one thing to say: The game is rad. For him it may be the best game Nintendo has made in years!

My Favorite Things in Fallout 3
Pwnmaster109 is celebrating the announcement of Fallout 4 by writing about what he loves in Fallout 3. It's a fun, lengthy read that covers armor, companions, and even favorite DLC. And of course awesome, communist-hatin' Liberty Prime gets a mention! "I die, so that democracy may... live...".

My Amiibo Conflict (And Subsequent Resolution)
Rebekah Lang has never purchased an amiibo – and that's not about to change. You see, Doc Mario is hitting stores down the line, and as much as she'd love to own one, she just can't get past Nintendo's poor handling of the amiibo situation.

What video game have you spent the most time playing?
Matastig asks a question I'm not always happy to answer. But he answers with aplomb: The White Knight Chronicles series has taken a total of over 4,000 hours from Matastig's life – and he's thoroughly enjoyed it. My most played games include Monster Hunter Tri and Final Fantasy Tactics, with over 400 hours pumped into each game.

Nintendo @ E3: Day One Recap and Review
MightyMagikarp has an in-depth review of everything Nintendo announced...if you're interested in learning where all of your money will go. Seriously – I bought all of the Smash Bros. DLC as quickly as possible, and want nearly everything else the Big N has announced.

My Top 20 Favorite Games: #13: Samurai Warriors 4
Enuo's countdown continues, and this time he writes about one of Koei's longtime series. The game had such an impact on him that he decided to study Japanese history to better understand it!

Writing Challenge Responses:

Community Writing Challenge: The Dismal Din Of Dunwall
Rebekah uses "beautiful" and "dreary" in the same sentence to describe Dishonored's city of Dunwall. She says the art direction is one-of-a-kind and the urban atrophy makes it a treat for the eyes. All I can remember is rats. Lots and lots of foul rats.

Community Writing Challenge: Desolate Setting
A few games make their way into Sam_Lincoln's blog post about settings that have fallen prey to decay. From the dystopia of The Last of Us, to the mysterious world of Bloodborne, Sam's choices do a good job of hitting the writing challenge nail on the head.

Community Writing Challenge: The Melancholy of Tida
Tstitan, GIO King of Smash, writes about a game that impacted him during his youth: Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles. Its exploration of memory loss and the ruined village of Tida paint a gloomy picture. This GameCube title is indeed a somber one, and always made me feel uncomfortable.  

Community Reviews:

Fallout Shelter Review
This free iOS game just came out, but lordmorales already played enough to sit down and give us the skinny on the vault management title. It doesn't sound perfect, but the game is ultimately worth your time if you're into building.

Community Writing Challenge:

It's E3 week, and we want you to blog about it! Tell us your thoughts on the games announced; write about your very first E3 experience or whatever else you want – as long as it is connected to the popular show!

Community playdate:

This Sunday at 7:00PM CST we will be playing Destiny on PlayStation 4! All skill levels and players are welcome. If we get enough players we'll splinter off into groups so players can focus on like-minded goals. Make sure to add me, Louiskensei, check out our playdate group, and comment below or in the group's post to let me know you're playing!

I hope you enjoy the blogs! Please contact me via my Game Informer page or on Twitter at @LouisGarcia12 with any blog news or playdate suggestions.