by Kyle Hilliard on Apr 12, 2015 at 05:30 AM

We recently held our first ever live episode of Replay – and we filmed it for all those who weren't able to attend.

Recorded at GlitchCon 2015 in Minneapolis, Andrew Reiner, Tim Turi, Ben Reeves, and Jeff Cork took the stage to play old video games for a crowd of fans and non-fans alike. As Tim states in the beginning of the episode, we could have played anything we wanted, but we decided to play the famously bad Replay classic Overblood for PlayStation.

That's not all we played, however. Stick around to the end, and you will see us dive into some multiplayer games, as well. Even if you've watched our entire Overblood Super Replay, it's worth reliving with an audience.

Big thanks to Glitchcon for hosting our little show, and to everyone who decided to come out and watch us play. We're planning on doing it again next year, so start making plans now to attend in 2016!

For more pre-recorded episodes of Replay, visit our HUB, or click the banner below to view episodes on YouTube.