by Andrew Reiner on Feb 07, 2015 at 02:00 AM

In the second episode of Replay's third season, Tim Turi meets Vito Corleone for the first time. That's right. He's never seen The Godfather films or read the books. We figure his best introduction to this beloved crime story is through the video game adaptations by Electronic Arts. He gets to experience the violence firsthand. Tim slides into character within seconds, doing all the things you see in the films, like starting himself on fire, threatening ham (yes, you read that correctly), and driving cars on sidewalks to apparently shake people down.

This episode also introduces two new segments to the Replay show, one that dives deep into a developer's past, and another that shows off the secrets hidden in games. We hope you enjoy the show. Let us know what you think of the episode, The Godfather, and Tim's performance in the comments section below.

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