video interview

We've all heard the refrain that "cloud-based gaming is the future". Services like OnLive and PlayStation Now and cloud technology like Microsoft built into the Xbox One are each taking a stab at harnessing "the power of the cloud". Years ago Square Enix investigated the cloud-gaming strategies for other companies and discovered that they would be in the best position for the future if they built their own infrastructure and service. They created a new subsidiary called Shinra Technologies, you can click here to learn more about why they decided to name the company after an evil corporation from Final Fantasy VII. While visiting Avalanche Studios for our Just Cause 3 cover story, we stepped into the sparse conference room that is the temporary office space for Shinra Technologies and spoke with senior vice president of business Jacob Navok about Sqaure's ambitious plans for the future of cloud gaming.

Watch the video below to learn more about what separates Square Enix's vision of cloud gaming from their competition and what it means for indie and larger developers. You can also jump to 11:42 in the video to hear Navok talk about Shinra's partnership with Avalanche Studios and what it could mean for the future of multiplayer in Just Cause 3.

To learn more about the game being created in the same office-space as Shinra Technologies, click on the banner below to enter our content hub for Just Cause 3.