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Video Game Halloween Costumes 2014: The Good, The Bad, The Stupid

by Matt Helgeson on Oct 27, 2014 at 11:50 AM

Each October, we all have to answer the eternal question: What should I be for Halloween? Thanks to Internet retailers, we have more choices for video game-themed costumes than ever. We also have access to some of the stupidest costume choices ever known to man.

Good Old Yoshi

Listen, I'm going to level with you: I'm going to show you some pretty terrible costumes in the coming pages. So, I wanted to kick things off on a positive note. Yoshi is always a good choice for a kid's costume. Who doesn't love a cute dinosaur? It's age appropriate and classic. Also, the way the model in this shot is posed makes me think that he's doing "the robot" dance; the thought of Yoshi breakdancing warms my cold heart.

The Stuff of Nightmares

Slender Man, who started life as a creation of the Internet forums Something Awful, has spawned a video game and grown into a modern day occult legend, to sometimes horrifying results. Honestly, this is a pretty good costume, but Slender Man genuinely freaks me out and, if I saw you at a Halloween party wearing this, I would run away. Don't wear this costume, I'm begging you.

Crappy Mari - I mean, "Video Game Car Costume"

Hey, look at this! It's the classic Halloween costume Video Game Car Costume. Who among us didn't grow up hoping to be a Video Game Car for Halloween? In case anyone from Nintendo's legal department is reading this, this Video Game Car Costume is in no way a cheap knockoff Mario suit with a car attached. It's a Video Game Car Costume, based on the popular video game character Video Game Car.

Sexy Pac-Man Screen

If you've ever been to the bars on Halloween, you'll know that basically all costumes for women have become "sexy" versions of traditional monsters, movie, or video game characters. Sexy zombies, sexy Captain Jack Sparrow, sexy Kevin James from The King of Queens UPS outfit  – if it's not sexy, it doesn't fly on Halloween. Here's a costume for all you sexy Pac-Man fans. As you may have noticed, it's really not so much a "costume" per se as it is a dress with a Pac-Man screen printed on it – a sexy Pac-Man screen.


Now, for a costume that your kid will actually want to wear. Skylanders have been one of the breakout successes in the video game and toy industries, and this has not gone unnoticed by costume manufacturers. If you search any of the major costume retailers, you'll see a fairly wide selection of Skylanders costumes, and they all look to be pretty well designed, as you can see by this Trigger Happy costume.

Stealthy Halloween Fashion

For the adult gamer in your family, here's a solid selection. The Assassin's Creed series has always had an iconic fashion sense, and Ezio is the series most iconic character. This Ezio costume looks fairly realistic, and his trademark cowl will make you look mysterious. As a gamer, you can't go wrong with this one.

This Is Dumbest Thing I've Ever Seen

As a parent, I don't like to judge other people for the way they choose to raise their children. I know all too well that it's a tough job at times. But, you know what, if you dress your lil' pumpkin up as an iPad with Fruit Ninja on the screen, guess what? I'm judging you. Just look at this kid.

Classic, Yet Understated

Okay, I lied; there's nothing understated about Mortal Kombat. However, the series has very memorable character designs that translate well to a Halloween costume. There are a few choices on the market, but I'm partial to this Sub-Zero outfit.

Ever Get The Feeling You've Been Cheated?

On the one hand, there's nothing particularly wrong with wanting to go out as Minecraft's default "Steve" character for Halloween. In one sense, it's not a bad costume. However, at a certain point there's that nagging feeling that someone just charged you over $20 for a cardboard box. To add insult to injury, the pickaxe in that photo isn't even included; you have to buy it separately.

Crappy Luig - I mean, Adult Sexy Sidekick Costume

Here's another costume that is in no way a cheap knockoff of a familiar Nintendo game character. I've been a fan of Adult Sidekick my whole life – she's one of the best characters in game history. There's something about her adultness and sidekickiness that really resonates with me. But little did I know...Adult Sidekick has a sexy side, too! Yowsa. Waiter, do fries come with that moustache necklace?

The High Price of Awesomeness

This one is great, no question. Chell is a perfect choice for a video game Halloween costume – iconic but not played out. I love it. However, I should warn you, achieving this look won't be cheap. The price on the jumpsuit varies by size and seller, but is around $100. However, that's cheap compared to the (admittedly awesome) Portal Device replica, which will run you $214. If you have the means, this is a great option.

A Little Help When Needed

I like this Kratos costume for a couple of reasons. One, Kratos is a great character and makes for a badass Halloween costume. Two, unlike some other costumes on the market (some Street Fighter ones come to mind), this Kratos comes with a chestplate of fake plastic muscles – something that is a necessity for those of us with, shall we say, decidedly sub-Kratosian physiques.

It's Just An Innocent Dog, Man!

Look at this poor animal. Do you see the sadness and humiliation in its eyes? That's the face of a dog that wishes he was never rescued from the pound. What's wrong with you? Why would you dress that dog in an Angry Birds outfit? You should be ashamed of yourself.