video interview

Yesterday we unveiled Battleborn as our August cover story. Gearbox describes their new game as a "hero shooter," but the hive-mind of the Internet oversimplified it as "another MOBA." While visiting the studio in Plano, Texas, we spoke with design director John Mulkey and creative director Randy Varnell about comparing the game to the MOBA genre and what separates the two in their minds. We talk about the variety of modes that'll be available in Battleborn, how embracing first-person action has shaped the game, and we wring out as much as they can tell us about their vision for the game's co-operative campaign.

Watch the video interview below to learn what elements Battleborn draws from MOBAs and why the game doesn't neatly fit into that genre classification.

To learn much more about Battleborn, click on the banner below to enter our content hub that we'll be filling up throughout the next month.