by Joe Juba on Apr 08, 2014 at 12:54 PM

Lego The Hobbit doesn't end when you get through the main story levels. After the credits, players can wander around Middle-earth, performing quests to unlock various characters and items. This is largely a freeform experience, so the game doesn't give you much guidance about which things you should seek out. However, a handful should definitely take priority, either because they are especially useful or especially awesome.


If you want to get all of the unlockables in Lego The Hobbit, you need a stable of characters able to get through any obstacle you encounter. Finding characters with elven agility or a hammer smash is a cinch, but destroying Mithril objects (like the rock in the river above) is a different story. So far, I've only found one character who can do this: Saruman. Pick him up ASAP before you start going through the stages again in Free Play.

Mithril Rhythm Stick

A callback to the Disco Phial in Lego LOTR, the real reason to get the rhythm stick is the music that plays when you wield it. It remixes sound bites from the movies with a techno track, creating a catchy and amusing background song. You can also whack people with the stick to make them dance.


Like the Hulk in Lego Marvel, Beorn is able to change his form as a special move. This drastically improves his ability, allowing him to travel at high speeds. This isn't necessarily a decisive advantage (most characters can summon a mount to speed up transit), but the transformation is neat.

The Bonus Level

You aren't clearly directed toward the bonus level, but fans of previous Lego titles know what to expect. I won't spoil the set-up, but you definitely need to head here as soon as you finish the main quest. It's just a short hike from Erebor, and it will keep you well supplied with studs so you can afford to buy the red cheat bricks that keep you even better-supplied with studs.

A Big Character

Large characters, like the Troll King (picture) and Goblin Brute, are able to perform epic feats of strength by grabbing the glowing orange handles you find around Middle-earth. They also look pretty cool.

Mithril Dance Boots

The dance boots have no practical purpose, but they made me laugh. Your dwarven characters often "buddy up" to perform special moves and solve puzzles, but they're usually rather stoic about the partnership. Wearing the dance boots changes that; they makes characters prance and dance when joined, all while a jaunty Irish-sounding tune plays in the background.


The last of the "utlity characters," Sauron is able to break the black and smokey Morgul objects. Like Saruman's Mithril bricks and the large characters' orange handles, this ability doesn't come equipped on any standard characters, but you need it to unearth all of the game's secret. You could also grab characters like the Witch King or Barrow Wight to serve this purpose, but why settle for servants when you can control the master?