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Weekend Warrior 11/30/12

by Jordan LaPorte on Nov 30, 2012 at 01:00 PM

With last week’s food-induced comas behind us, it’s time to look onward and see what kind of games we will be spending our time with this weekend. Far Cry 3, Minecraft, Borderlands 2, and The Walking Dead are some of the games that will be getting the most attention this weekend, and don’t forget the most dangerous game of them all, laundry day. What will you be up to this weekend?

Kyle Hilliard: I’m going to get so good at doing laundry this weekend. I plan on breaking everyone’s laundry high score! I might play some video games, too.

Jeff M: This week flew by, so I’m looking to relax this weekend with some laid-back gaming sessions. Minecraft XBLA is a good contender, as is Far Cry 3 – which isn’t exactly stress free, but at least it’s pretty. 

Ben Hanson: I just purchased a new TV and have fallen in love with playing Steam games on the big screen, so I might continue to dabble with that this weekend. I am also now a proud owner of the Wii U, but the only meaty game I have at my disposal right now is Darksiders 2. The game is impressive and playing on the Gamepad is interesting, but I have no affection for the lore and overall world and I'm not sure how motivated I am to blast through it. Other than that, Dan promised me a rematch in Driver: San Francisco's tag mode tonight so I'm hoping to stomp him once and for all.

Tim Turi: This weekend I plan to continue island exploration in Far Cry 3. That will probably involve murdering bear hides and turning their skin into arrow quivers, driving C4-strapped jeeps into enemy bases, and lots of stealthy knife kills. Besides that, I hope to squeeze in some Resident Evil and Need for Speed: Most Wanted.

Mike Mahardy: I’ll be finishing Resident Evil: Revelations and continuing my commando romp towards level 50 in Borderlands 2. Additionally, I’ll also be drawn back into Skyrim in a desperate attempt to maintain my social life at the same. Dragonborn is looking awesome, and I can’t wait to start it up tomorrow.

Jordan LaPorte: I plan on getting through The Walking Dead this weekend. I played the first two episodes on PSN, but I am starting over from the first episode, this time on XBLA. Basically I’m going to spend most of my weekend feeling like an awful person. I ordered a copy of Binary Domain online last week, so if that comes in the mail I might be playing that in between episodes of The Walking Dead as well.