pax 2012
by Tim Turi on Sep 02, 2012 at 06:00 PM

That's a wrap for PAX Prime 2012. Game Informer attended all three days of the show, and this is our final collection of photos from the show floor. Check out some Resident Evil cosplay, glimpses at elaborate booths, and shots of exhibitors packing up.

Tons of awesome board games and other nerdy things are available all over PAX.

Decorations at Konami's 25th anniversary celebration for Metal Gear Solid. It's just a box.

Tragedy strikes as the shoelace of Game Informer's Jim Reilly becomes untied. I froze. Didn't even know what to do.

This truck will never win the war against fossil fuel consumption.

The booth for quirky downloadable game Harold.

I've been playing some Final Fantasy Dimensions during PAX Prime 2012. This dialogue weirded me out a bit.


Clearly there was a carbon monoxide leak near Nintendo's displays.

I reunite with former Game Informer editors Nick Ahrens, Meagan Marie, and Annette Gonzalez.

What a Hunk.

Lots of dorks playing Magic: The Gathering. I wish I had to stop and let them teach me their ways.

People could purchase wooden mustaches here. Most didn't.

It may appear unspectacular compared to the big publishers' elaborate booths, but there's magic in the Indie Mega Booth.

Exhibitors start putting their wares away.

At the end of the day, a pack of folding tables conquered Pokémon Conquest.

And with that, another PAX Prime comes to a close.