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Bioware Recommits To Anthem As Rumors Swirl About Dragon Age Taking Priority

by Imran Khan on May 03, 2019 at 06:25 PM

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Anthem has definitely not had an easy go of it lately, especially as the game's content map has been delayed to an undefined schedule. While the game sold well in its launch month, it had dropped precipitously in the National Purchase Diary rankings the following month. It is no surprise that rumors are coming up that EA and Bioware are considering moving on from the GaaS shooter and onto their recently announced Dragon Age project.

Not so, says Bioware, which has reaffirmed that they're still planning to stick to Anthem regardless of what else they're working on. Lead producer Mike Gamble was on Twitter to confirm that commitment. 

To be clear, however, this does not mean that everyone is still working on Anthem that was working on Anthem. Mark Darrah, the game's executive producer, tweeted a not-so-subtle indication that he himself has moved on to work on Dragon Age 4.

In addition, lead producer Michael Gamble tweeted that Ben Irving and Chad Robertson, leads at Bioware Austin, would be the best place to direct Anthem questions.

All this creates a kind of confusing message, but if taken literally, this likely means that EA and Bioware are expecting to commit the same level of resources to the game but that other Bioware studios are moving on to Dragon Age 4 themselves. At this point, the suggestion that Bioware is abandoning Anthem would do extreme damage to that game's already ailing reputation, but it does appear to be shuffled around the company while work begins on the next big Bioware RPG.

That is likely not enough to qualify as abandonment, but it is certainly enough to categorize the game as a transitional state. 

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