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Codemasters' Site Hacked, User Data Taken

by Matthew Kato on Jun 10, 2011 at 06:11 AM

Last month, UK publisher/developer Codemasters announced that its website was hacked. Now the company has revealed that another attack occurred last Friday, and this time user data was taken. reports that emails have gone out to affected customers that states that in an attack on June 3rd on Codemasters' website, user info was taken from the company's e-store and CodeM member site. The data includes names, addresses, Gamertags, telephone numbers, encrypted passwords, IP addresses, and more. Codemasters says that credit card info was not taken because those are not linked to accounts, but instead handled through a separate third-party mechanism.

Codemasters has taken down its websites, and they now redirect to the company's Facebook page.

People were furious when it took Sony a few days to report that user data was taken in the PSN hack, but it seems that ascertaining the damage in these kinds of attacks usually takes some sleuthing. What did Codemasters ever do to anybody?