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Give BattleBlock’s Story Mode A Go At Pax East, SDCC, More

by Meagan Marie on Feb 17, 2011 at 04:00 AM

The Behemoth is offering up a chance to play BattleBlock Theater’s Story Mode at upcoming consumer events. In the past, the indie developer has opted to only showcase Arena Mode, for obvious reasons.

“We weren’t positive whether Story Mode would be ideal at a tradeshow because it isn’t instant battle intensity like Arena mode – Story mode is much more cooperative and thoughtful,” updated Dan Paladin on the Behemoth Blog. "Oh, stand over there and do this!’ you say to your friend. ‘Wait a sec, go this way!’ your friend says, and so you try out your theories on navigating the level. These are the kinds of things that are more tolerated while sitting on the couch than standing in a sea of sweating humans. Of course, Story Mode still allows you to kick your friend’s butt all over the map in between that precious cooperation. If you could just stop throwing me into the spikes I’ll let you get us that Gem over there.”

Story Mode will be playable at the following events:

  • PAX East (Boston, MA) March 11-13th
  • Tokyo Anime Fair (Tokyo, Japan) Business Days: March 24-25th; Public Days: March 26-27th
  • Comic Con International (San Diego, CA) July 21-24th
  • PAX Prime (Seattle, WA) August 26-28th

If you can’t attend one of the above shows, we offer a handful of new cinematics screens from BattleBlock Theater as a consolation prize. Enjoy!

[Thanks to Josh Melnick for the tip!]