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Robot Chicken Scribe Working On Age Of Conan Web Series

by Meagan Marie on Dec 17, 2010 at 04:50 AM

It’s not often that we post two Conan stories in as many days.

Writer Mike Fasolo – who won an Emmy for his work on Adult Swim’s Robot Chicken – has big plans for Funcom’s Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures. According to Paradox Entertainment, Fasolo has begun production on a web comedy series utilizing the Age of Conan engine. The series will draw from locations and characters native to the game.

“Collaborating with Funcom on the web series is a great experience,” says Fredrik Malmberg, President and CEO of Paradox Entertainment. “We are lucky to have the unique blend of Mike Fasolo’s edgy comedic talent set in the spectacular world of one of the most successful MMO games released in recent years.”

Joining Fasolo on the creative end is comedian Harland Williams, who has been brought on to lend his voice to an undisclosed character. Dan Milano – known as the creator of Greg the Bunny and Emmy nominee for writing Robot Chicken: Star Wars 2 – will be directing the initial episode, as well as dabbling in a bit of VO work.

“We are very excited to be working with Paradox Entertainment on realizing this web series,” says Funcom’s Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Morten Larssen. “Our online rendition of Hyboria has been praised for its amazing graphics and its unsurpassed level of atmosphere, and there is no doubt that the game lends itself perfectly to this project.”

The creative chops associated with the web series are impressive, but the announcement still comes out of left field. No word on an official name for the series or a release window have been divulged.